Ka karanga te manu ko au, ka taea, ka hiahia, ka tū

"He waka eke noa
"He waka eke noa" derives from the Māori whakataukī (proverb) and refers to working in unity and leaving no one behind. "We are all in this waka together."

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei
"Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain." This whakatauki is referring to aiming high or for what is truly valuable, but its real message is to be persistent and don't let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal.

He iti hau marangai e tū te pāhokahoka

He aroha whakatō,
he aroha puta mai.
"Just like a rainbow after the storm, success follows failure." We are often discouraged whenever we face trials and challenges in our lives. We become weak and insecure. We reach the point when we just want to give up. However, take heart. Failures are ingredients to success. Eventually, after all the problems you face, you’ll definitely see the rainbow at the end of the day.
If kindness is sown then kindness you shall receive. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Kotahi te kākano, he nui ngā hua o te rākau.

Te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere; te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga nōna te ao.
A tree comes from one seed but bears many fruit. One opportunity can lead to multiple opportunities.
The bird who partakes of the miro berry owns the forest; the bird who partakes of education owns the world.